Creating an account
A note for previous users - your account information has been transferred so please try to use this if possible
Signing up
From the homepage, click "Sign up" in the top right hand corner of the page.
Fill in the details on the next screen and then click "Sign up".
You will now be taken back to the homepage, except now when you click the person icon in the top right you will see your full name displayed and underneath that, your username and options related to your account in the drop-down menu.
Logging in next time
From the homepage, click "Log in" and complete your username and password. If you have forgotten your password you can click "Forgot your password?" and get an email sent to your registered email address to reset the password.
Managing your account
From the logged in homepage view you have access to two pages related to your account: Profile and Settings.
The profile page contains information that is visible to other people on Flow, namely your profile image, when you joined, any groups you are a part of and any Projects, Samples or Data the user viewing the page has permissions to see.
From the settings page you can change your username, name, email and password. You can also upload a small profile photo (less than 2MB) of yourself to help people recognise you on Flow.
The Groups tab allows you to see which groups you are a part of and allows you to create a new Group. Groups are a way of settings the permissions for a group of people, for example a lab, in one go. Data shared with a group will then be accessible to anyone within that group, preventing you from having to give many people permissions to your datasets individually.
Finding other people's accounts
You might want to find other people on Flow. For example, when completing metadata for a sample you might want to search for your collaborators username. From any page within flow you can use the search bar in the top right hand corner to find other User's profiles.